Trade The Ordinary for Excellence

We expertly weave elegance into every thread, bringing life to your tables and sparking unforgettable dining experiences. Partner with WINSON – where quality and innovation interlace. Our tablecloths aren’t just products; they are the transformation your clients have been seeking in their dining spaces.

WINSON: Your Global Partner in Tablecloth Excellence

We’ve been specializing in the design and manufacture of top-quality linen, cotton, and polyester tablecloths since 2009. We’re proud to have risen among the ranks in China and are now eager to share our expertise globally.

At WINSON, we’re more than a manufacturer; we’re a global partner dedicated to bringing your vision of quality tablecloths to life. Serving distributors, wholesalers, and importers across the world, we have honed a craft that combines practicality with sophistication.

What sets us apart? Our commitment to quality and innovation. Our unwavering adherence to our philosophy of excellence and innovation,ensuring that each tablecloth we produce is an embodiment of quality and elegance. Now, we’re extending our commitment to quality globally.

Our expertise extends to understanding customer preferences, creating unique, tailor-made designs that enhance dining experiences. Winson is more than just a tablecloth supplier; we are your partner in transforming spaces, one table at a time.

Welcome to Winson, where quality and elegance meet.

Our Success by The Numbers

Our accomplishments speak for themselves. Boasting an annual sales volume of over 2M pcs of tablecloths, we stand proud as a leading figure in the market. Our expansive customer base, spread across numerous countries, is a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional service and quality.

0 +
Satisfied Customers
0 +
Professional Worker

Over 300+ Complete work & Still counting

Boasting over 300 completed projects and still going strong, at WINSON, we pride ourselves on our extensive experience and commitment to delivering superior tablecloth designs. Each successful project propels us further on our journey of unmatched quality and customer satisfaction.

0 M+ Pcs
Annual Sales Volume
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Years of Experience

Beyond the Tablecloth: The Tale of Our Leap to Excellence

I still get goosebumps remembering this turning point in our journey at WINSON. It was a moment that proved our mettle, taking us from manufacturers to problem-solvers, creators to innovators. This wasn’t just about landing a lucrative contract; it was a tale of venturing into uncharted waters, rising above the odds, and redefining our capabilities.

Do you recall the thrill of turning a potential setback into an unparalleled opportunity? That’s exactly what we experienced when we undertook a unique project for a high-profile client from France. This wasn’t just about delivering a product; it was about exceeding expectations, pushing boundaries, and proving to ourselves that we were capable of more than we ever imagined.

It happened in our early days, during a project for a client in France.

How it all began

This French client wanted to order our full polyester print tablecloths, but they desired not just the tablecloths, but also a custom packaging for their brand. However, they didn’t just want any packaging; they had a design in mind and needed our help to perfect and execute it. Up until this point, we had never taken on a project that required customized packaging, especially not one with specific design instructions.

Embarking on this project felt like venturing into unknown waters. Our first step was to find a reliable packaging partner. We dedicated countless hours to research and vet potential companies until we found one that was just right.

Next, we started working with our client on their proposed design. We were fortunate that they had a specific vision, but it was our responsibility to ensure that this vision could be translated effectively onto the packaging. We engaged in several rounds of discussions, suggestions, and adjustments. Every step felt like a learning curve as we navigated the unique challenges of this project.

The Follow-Up

Just when we thought we had everything under control, we hit a snag. There were unexpected issues with the printing process. The design was not translating well onto the packaging material. The fear of disappointing our client started to seep in, but we remained steadfast.

We quickly regrouped and revisited the design. The hours turned into days, then weeks. But finally, we achieved the quality that both we and the client were happy with. It was a moment of immense relief and accomplishment.

In the end, our French client was thrilled with the custom packaging and the tablecloths. It was a significant milestone for us – not just because we had successfully completed the project, but because of what we learned.

We learned about the intricacies of packaging design and production, about the patience and precision it requires. We learned the value of persistence in the face of obstacles and the importance of clear and honest communication with clients. Most of all, we realized that no matter how challenging the journey, the satisfaction of delivering quality to our customers is always worth it.

What does this mean for our business

This project was a turning point for WINSON. It expanded our capabilities and honed our problem-solving skills, making us more equipped to handle diverse client needs. It was a reminder that every challenge is an opportunity for growth. And we continue to embrace these opportunities every day.”

This is the story of how we won not just a multi-million dollar contract but also our own self-belief and a redefined vision for WINSON. How we did it wasn’t by mere chance or sheer luck, it was the manifestation of relentless effort, strategic planning, and the courage to embrace new challenges.

At WINSON, we believe that every challenge faced is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Our Professional Team

Emily Elfie

Owner & CEO

Rose Marks

General Manager

Stella Claire

Production Directure

Jessica Kim


Let's Transform Tables Together

Ready to enrich your collection with exceptional tablecloths? Let’s create unforgettable dining experiences for your customers. Reach out now!

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